Monday, March 23, 2009

Buying Vintage Fashion

By Carrie Wess

There is a lot to be said for having a wardrobe that includes vintage clothing. These styles are the ones that never seem to be out of fashion and can be worn no matter what era we are currently living in. There are a great many people who collect vintage clothing and it can be a great addition to your wardrobe. When you are shopping for these items, it is a good idea to keep a few things in mind.

Vintage clothing is not just old clothes. These are the high end items that were in fashion in generations past. They are the clothes that have the style and the quality to last through whatever era they are worn in and will most likely be able to withstand the test of time. The vintage clothing that you should seek out are the items that are made with the highest quality materials and with workmanship standards that are not found in the clothing that is made today.

Learn a little bit about vintage clothing before you try to find the pieces. If you know about the materials that were used, you will be able to tell if an article of clothing is actually vintage or just made to look old. There is nothing wrong with buying something in a vintage style, but you will pay more for actual vintage clothing and you will have to know how to tell the difference to avoid being ripped off.

Vintage clothing is, of course, used clothing. You will have to check out the piece carefully for any wear that will make the item unwearable. The beauty of having these items in your closet is so that you can actually wear them and enjoy the style of the clothing. What good does a fabulous dress do for you if you cannot wear it because it is too worn. Expect there to be some wear in the clothing, but not so much that you would have to put it aside.

Clothing that has been made with the quality workmanship and quality materials should hold up well. Especially if the clothing has been cared for through the years. You can find classic vintage dresses from the fifties, sixties, and even the seventies that would be considered vintage clothing. Use your judgment when you are buying these clothes. Not every style will look great in modern times.

Fashion conscious people will love the idea of wearing the classic items from the past. You will find some clothing on the market that is even older than the fifties. These are some of the most stunning styles that you can wear and feel well dressed and stylish.

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