Designer purses and handbags can be an expensive habit. One solution that people sometimes choose is looking for knock off handbags or even counterfeit merchandise. Often times, you get what you pay for when you buy these cheap purses. I'm here to tell you that you do not have to settle for inferior quality if you know how to find the real deal purses and handbags at discounted prices.
Designer purses as well as many other items end up selling for incredibly low prices on eBay every day. The trick is knowing how to find those items and then bidding on them. There was a time when I sold tons of merchandise on eBay as a way to make money for paying the bills. I became quite good at it for a while actually. One of the most useful things I learned was how to find and bid on items that were going to sell for unusually low prices.
Selling collectibles was my specialty on eBay. If I had owned a collection of designer purses, I would have carried them, not sold them. Knock off handbags kept me satisfied, but I definitely would have preferred owning the real deal. As I said, times were a bit tight and spending food money on a Coach purse was not something I could do with a clear conscience.
While doing my listing chores on eBay, I just happened across a fabulous Coach purse that was about to end. There was not a single bid on it. I couldn't figure it out at first, but then I noticed that I was actually looking under the "collectibles" category. Someone must have mistakenly listed it in the wrong category and never corrected it. It was a weeknight with little eBay traffic, so there were relatively few people watching the auctions end. The auction was going to wrap up within twenty minutes, so I continued watching it. With two minutes left, I placed my ten dollar bid, sure that someone would outbid me at the last minute. No one did and I won the purse!
I was thrilled by the win, but even more excited by what I had learned. Using what I now know, I do not have to settle for knock off handbags or purses anymore. There are mistakes on eBay just waiting to be found. I started looking for new ways to find these hidden items and have become pretty good at it now. Searching for items listed in the wrong categories was just the beginning of what I learned.
Because most people who list on eBay are not professional sellers, there is a lot of room for beginner mistakes. Things like misspellings and listings in wrong categories can be a ticket to savings for buyers who know how to find them. Learn to look for these incorrectly listed purses and handbags and you will not have to settle for knock offs ever again!
Designer purses as well as many other items end up selling for incredibly low prices on eBay every day. The trick is knowing how to find those items and then bidding on them. There was a time when I sold tons of merchandise on eBay as a way to make money for paying the bills. I became quite good at it for a while actually. One of the most useful things I learned was how to find and bid on items that were going to sell for unusually low prices.
Selling collectibles was my specialty on eBay. If I had owned a collection of designer purses, I would have carried them, not sold them. Knock off handbags kept me satisfied, but I definitely would have preferred owning the real deal. As I said, times were a bit tight and spending food money on a Coach purse was not something I could do with a clear conscience.
While doing my listing chores on eBay, I just happened across a fabulous Coach purse that was about to end. There was not a single bid on it. I couldn't figure it out at first, but then I noticed that I was actually looking under the "collectibles" category. Someone must have mistakenly listed it in the wrong category and never corrected it. It was a weeknight with little eBay traffic, so there were relatively few people watching the auctions end. The auction was going to wrap up within twenty minutes, so I continued watching it. With two minutes left, I placed my ten dollar bid, sure that someone would outbid me at the last minute. No one did and I won the purse!
I was thrilled by the win, but even more excited by what I had learned. Using what I now know, I do not have to settle for knock off handbags or purses anymore. There are mistakes on eBay just waiting to be found. I started looking for new ways to find these hidden items and have become pretty good at it now. Searching for items listed in the wrong categories was just the beginning of what I learned.
Because most people who list on eBay are not professional sellers, there is a lot of room for beginner mistakes. Things like misspellings and listings in wrong categories can be a ticket to savings for buyers who know how to find them. Learn to look for these incorrectly listed purses and handbags and you will not have to settle for knock offs ever again!
About the Author:
Michelle McGeen loves sniffing out great deals. Michelle's specialty is finding cheap purses online. Learn more about finding discount designer handbags at Michelle's website. Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service
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