Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to buy authentic womens handbags ?

By miffany1

Shopping for authentic handbags online is very challenging. When you try to do a search for authentic handbags you will actually get a long list of handbags being labeled as authentic however only a few appear as to how they are labeled. Thus, its important that you do a little homework to be sure youll be getting an authentic handbag.

Nonetheless, get to know the things you need to check when shopping for authentic handbags to get good value for your money. Below are some examples.

Authenticity Mark

Several designers put authenticity mark on their bags and provide certificate of authenticity for purpose of authenticity verification. Online, handbags on sale are with pictures so be sure to check for any possible authenticity mark. Or else find out if handbag of your choice comes with a certificate of authenticity to ensure youll not be buying a replica handbag.


As mentioned, handbags on sale online are with pictures so take advantage of them. Check the pictures carefully. Sometimes pictures are not clear so maybe you can adjust your monitor settings or use a program like Paint when viewing the pictures. These will give you clearer versions of the pictures and then verify authenticity. In the event that the handbag you like is authentic then you can go ahead however be sure to check on the return policies of the seller. Although checking the pictures can help, this wont guarantee that youll be getting handbag exactly shown on the pictures. There are some really naughty sellers that would display an authentic handbag online but later will actually deliver a replica right in front of their customers doorsteps. Be careful.

Guarantee Terms

Most sellers of handbags online do have guarantee terms. Oftentimes, these sellers offer money back guarantee in 30 days. You can return the handbag if you are not satisfied just as long as you return it within 30 days. Although this wont guarantee handbag is really authentic, at least you can return it if you discover eventually that its just a replica. If seller of the handbag of your choice does not offer money back guarantee, then think twice and maybe try to look for other options. There are a lot of handbags labeled as authentic online, so you dont need to worry.

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