Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vintage Rolex Watch as a Status Symbol

By Marcus Welby

Rolex watches have long been known to symbolize status and prestige. When it comes to those things, they are absolute icons. There is likely a reason for that, a deliberate one. The people who founded Rolex, the people who design the watches, and the people who make them all want them to be the best. They are supposed to be the best. They are designed, literally, to be impressive. When you see a Rolex watches, it should exceed your expectations about what a luxury watch should look like. That is the idea. That is why the makers take upwards of a year to put together all the tiny parts required to make a Rolex tick.

It is thus no wonder that a Rolex is such a flashy, almost ostentatious watch. It is designed to show status. That is one reason this is definitely one unmistakable watch. Of course, that is what most of the people who wear Rolexes want. They want it to be seen.

As you might thus expect, buying a Rolex can cost you quite the pretty penny. They are so expensive that some people seriously go through financing options in order to buy one. Such efforts are considered worth it, since the end result is getting to wear a Rolex watch on your wrist. When you wear one, presumably, all the things associated with them - respect, prestige, wealth - are yours for the taking.

Rolexes were founded in 1905. They have been in business for more than a hundred years in total. That is extremely impressive. We live in a society where there is a new "newest fashion" just about every day of the week. The amount of money Rolex brings in every year reflects its popularity and its success. The company grossed billions of dollars just in 2003.

It is also to see why Rolex used to be a symbol of the upper class. Of course, it still is. However, those are not the only class of people wearing them any longer. Furthermore, they are not just worn on special occasions. Men especially wear them all the time, whether they are working, playing, or enjoying a formal evening out.

There are many social groups and subcultures which have helped propel Rolex to its iconic status. For example, mainstream musicians who enjoy showing their success through the jewelry they wear love Rolexes. The more flash the better, and Rolex certainly covers that.

It is thus no wonder why Rolex has become a popular brand among the "masses," as well. We follow our stars and musicians and the trends they set. When you consider that people are willing to go through financing to be able to buy a Rolex watch, there is no mistaking its popularity.

There is no way you can doubt that Rolex is time tested brand. It will likely be around for another hundred years. The amount of care which goes into a single watch ensures this. Thanks to all the time, effort, and tiny parts which go into putting together a single watch, Rolexes are already consider collector's pieces.

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