Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fetishism, Deviant or Normal?

By Bunnie

I reviewed a recent video clip from a well respected healthcare reporter. The subject matter of the report was sexual fetishisms. The reporter basically interviewed two working pschycologists that treat individuals with sexual fetishes.

The concensus of both 'experts' is that anyone that requires or desires the use of inanimate objects to enhance their sexual activities is displaying a deviant behavior that requires treatment. The treatments discussed ranged from your typical pschyo babble interviews with the patient to the extreme use of shock therapy.

The first question that came to my mind after watching this interview was; "Does this really constitute a deviant behavior?" I posed this question online just so I could get a feel for what others thought. I've listed a couple of the replies to my question below.

1. "For a long time any thing that was not the missionary position in sex was considered deviant. And there are still some fetishes that are down right spooky so they would still be considered abnormal psychology think of bestiality. And partly because the DSM hasn't been revised completely in over 15 years and look how much things have changed in regards to homosexuality in that time."

2. "Technically, a sexual fetish is something that a person cannot perform sexually without. If a man has a fetish for kidney beans, he CAN NOT have sex without the presence of the beans. We tend to use the word "fetish" very loosely, as something that one is very attracted to, but that is not it's proper meaning."

3. "When it comes to sex, sexual behavior, sexual fantasies, blah blah blah.... the majority of the population, especially the "educated" are prudish conservatives."

4. "What is really important, and is being treated as more important nowadays, is whether some behaviour is negatively affecting a person's ability to lead a full life, or negatively affecting the people around him/her."

"For example, a person who has a fetish for sex while driving fast is probably going to need counseling. But a person with a strawberries and cream fetish could well be fine in life, as long as strawberries can be imported during the winter months"

The majority of the answers I recieved showed a definate trend of social acceptance of sexual fetishises in today's society. That being the case, one must wonder if treatment is really the answer? Thirty years ago homosexuality was consiered a deviant personality dissorder, yet today it is widely accepted by socitey. Food for thought? or Just B.S. ?

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