Thursday, March 6, 2008

Topless Sandals Are So Fun, I Want To Cry

By Grant Bearden

Sandals and flip-flops have always been my native shoe, but last summer I stumbled upon a new breed of sandals called 'Topless Sandals' and just as their name implies, there is no top to the shoe. How do they work you may ask they STICK to the bottom of your feet! This is remarkably a cool shoe and I am surprised at how great they feel. Just think, no more straps, tan lines or thongs between the toes.

Everyone asks, "How do those stay on your feet?" People are just astonished by them so much, that total strangers come up to me and ask how they stay on, and some people will never have the nerve to ask, but will follow me around looking in awe.

A good friend of my brothers had an accident with a pressure washer that cut the top of his foot requiring many stitches. The pain prevented him from wearing shoes of any kind, so my brother bought a pair of the Topless Sandals for him. He was able to walk without pain and go anywhere after that. The invention of these shoes is a medical breakthrough! I think I'll call my local podiatrist and inform her of this product.

A one year replacement guarantee on the adhesive is offered from the manufacturer, but mine are still working well. The various colors and designs offered will appeal to almost everyone. I personally picked a dark color that would go with anything, but when I'm wearing them, my foot completely covers the pattern, so I guess it doesn't matter. You can wear the sandals several times before you need to reactivate the adhesive. To do so, it is pretty simple, just use a scrub brush and wash them with Ivory dish detergent and rinse well allowing them to air dry. When I need my sandals in a hurry, I just use a blow dryer.

The shoes come with a protective covering that must be peeled off before use. I saved mine to use on the shoe when traveling since things in my suitcase can stick to them. I had to be careful when putting on the Topless Sandal to insure my foot was centered well. After a few uses, it is easy to do because the shoe will conform to your foot.

A couple of things I have discovered about the sandals are that your feet must be clean and dry and so should the sandals. To get a good stick, you can try rubbing your feet with alcohol. Also, you should not stick the sandals face to face, for it might rip the adhesive from both sandals. If you have a pool, try dipping the sandals in the pool water, the chlorine causes the adhesive to stick even better once the shoe has dried in the sun.

Get prepared for the warm weather and purchase your entire family a pair of the Topless Sandals. You can't beat the great customer service from, nor their great selection of Topless Sandals and foot jewelry, but most importantly, their prices! Surprise your friends with your Cool Feet!

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