Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Very Spiritual Tattoo

By James Beckett

Putting an image on your body is something that is very much your decision. There are many reasons for getting a tattoo such as using the tat to get a sense of closeness with a romantic interest or some other family member or to use the tattoo as a way of connecting to a group or movement that we feel strongly about. And the tattoo does build that powerful almost spiritual connection to the person or cause because it becomes part of who you are physically and it is always there.

If you are like lots of us, you may feel a draw to the spiritual world and that interest is in you even if you are put off by religion like a lot of people are. Many people find that the image of angels seems to touch that side of us that wants to contact the spiritual world. In fact, angels have become common in culture including the movies and TV because these spiritual creatures seem to speak to people from all religions and to people with no particular religious affiliation at all.

There is something comforting about even having a figurine or a picture of an angel nearby. From what we know as angels, they are capable of being servants of God and mankind to connect us to the greater world beyond us. And they can serve as guardian angels to watch over us when sometimes we cannot watch over ourselves.

So if having an angel statue or picture bring spiritual peace, an angel tattoo may feel right as a next step in your spiritual journey. The angel you pick to be represented in the tattoo you get probably won't be one specific angel like Gabriel or Michael. But the image represents that spiritual angel you know is there to help you feel more connected both to the spiritual side of life and to that part of you that is spiritual which we sometimes call the "soul"

An angel tattoo can be a guardian not only to keep spiritual evil away from you but to remind you to think about the eternal world and attend to your soul from time to time. In this busy world, its good to have a helper with us all the time to point us the right direction and remind us that we are spiritual beings and we should seek to live up to that part of ourselves. Your angel tattoo is in a perfect position to do that reminding because if she is in the right place on you physically, she will never be completely out of your sight or you out of hers.

The universal hunger for answers to spiritual questions may be one reason angel tattoos are quite popular. When you start looking for the angel tattoo pattern that fits your feeling about these spiritual creatures, the variety is large. You can find sweet peaceful angels, strong powerful archangels and even warrior angels who can live in that tattoo and defend your soul against spiritual evil.

Another reason people select an angel design for a tattoo is to create a connection to a loved one who may already be in that spiritual world. Your angel can serve as a connection between this world and the next and between you and that loved one. And while you will not be able to communication with him or her like you used to, just the comforting presence of that angel "on your shoulder" is a reminder that one day you will see that loved one again when you cross over to the next life too.

Now we know that there are lots of reasons you might want a tattoo other than spiritual satisfaction including to look good and to enjoy the popularity of tattoos right now. But because there are so many cool angel tattoo designs, you can have all of those priorities satisfied in one tattoo and you will have a constant spiritual companion and a really cool tat to show as well. In fact, an angel tattoo is another way of telling people who you really are and it may serve to connect you to other spiritual seekers. If so, that angel did her job of not only keeping you in communications with the spiritual world and "God" but of bringing you closer to other spiritual creatures right here and now. That means your angel is doing her job taking good care of you for sure.

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