Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning to cope with the demands of fashion in present times

By MyImageExpert

It is an undeniable fact that people are becoming increasingly fashion conscious these days. It is applicable for both the sexes. The trends in fashion change with time and what is in vogue today can become out of place after a few months. A lot of youngsters follow the style icons like top actors and models. However this can be counter productive as one can get lost in the crowd of imitation.

There are some people who love to experiment and think creatively as far as fashion and dressing is concerned. While some occasions like movie premier, wedding, funeral or official parties require one to follow some etiquette in dressing, in informal events and get together one can be creative in his dressing style. This is useful for the theme parties. There are some occasions which require people to wear lavish dresses.

However while common people may not bother about their dresses so much the celebrities need to pay a lot of attention to their dressing. This is imperative as they always have the focus of media on them. If a model or actor is caught in an ill fitting dress in any event that becomes a headline in the newspaper. Thanks to the internet such photos can be wildly circulated all over the world.

This is why some of the celebrities recruit a personal stylist who helps them in selecting and buying the most suitable outfits. Such a stylist needs to take care of a lot of events. He or she has to think of factors like the venue, the event, time of day and many others. However appointing a stylist alone does not solve all the problems. The stylist needs to be intelligent and he or she must keep updated with the changing trends.

One needs to have a sense of color matching for getting the best results. Not everyone look their best in a bold dress. One needs to know how to carry off a particular type of dress with elan. Going through the fashion magazines and Internet based fashion review sites is a good idea.

However it is a wrong idea that the best quality dresses are available in niche boutiques. Sometimes one can come across quality and designer dresses in not so popular small boutiques. Using proper ornament and accessories is also important for making a style statement. Before buying a dress that has caught someones fancy it is practical to try it at the shop. It is foolish to buy a dress that look great but does not fit nicely on ones body.

The fashions change according to the season. It is often seen that people prefer subtle and sober shades in winter but in summer they wear bright and vibrant colored dresses. While reading the lifestyle and fashion magazines help to an extent, one needs to think on his own.

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