Monday, March 16, 2009

Why Real Gucci Bags Is Better Than Fake Gucci Handbags

By guccifans

Authentic Gucci handbags are hot items. They are extremely sought after by women who know the value of owning designer items like sunglasses and purses. For a lot of women, designer handbags like those by Gucci are symbols of wealth, class and superior style. They represent sophistication, and for women who know their value, they are worthwhile investments.

There isn't any shortage of knock-off designer bags in the market today. Women are spending hundreds of dollars buying these replica purses since they can't afford real ones that tend to cost thousands of dollars. To these women, the knock-offs are as close as they can get to the original ones. Replica's are well-made; they even look almost like the real deal. But if you already own a real brand name purse, you'll be able to spot the difference pretty easily.

Replica bags (and other knock-offs for that matter) are excellently made. The women who buy these items are quite satisfied with them since they almost look like the real thing and are quite long lasting. However, if you put a fake purse alongside an authentic handbag, the authentic wins hands down. So what makes original ones a much better buy than the fake ones?

Authentic handbags are just that -- original creations. In the world of fashion, owning an original item is tantamount to having superior style and the height of sophistication. Others view originality as true art. What would you rather have -- a Van Gogh print or the original to display in your living room?

Real carry bags, because of their very nature, are collector's items that become valuable over time. There's nothing wrong with choosing a fake; they're wonderful fashion accessories, but if you could afford it, would you spend your money on a replica or an authentic one, even if it's used?

Knock-off purses are built to last a long time, but they still pale in comparison to the real version in terms of overall quality. Besides, even the uninitiated ones can easily tell a replica from the authentic one.

If you ever go out with a mirror image purse, be prepared to hear comments like, "That's a pretty handbag. That's a fake handbag, isn't it?" from other women. Carry a real handbag and you'll be amazed at the envious looks you'll earn from the women who can immediately recognize genuine designer goods. Perhaps it's intuition or something that's naturally built in, but many women know instinctively if something is authentic or not.

If you're a business-minded person, you'll immediately realize the implications of owning a genuine handbag -- they have resale value. There are stores, both online and offline, that sell nothing but used knockoff Gucci handbags as well as other designer handbags. Used authentic purses still command prices that are comparatively higher than other bags. For many women, owning a genuine version, even though it's used, is still much better than owning a knock-off.

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