Thursday, April 24, 2008

Achieving the Perfect Smile Today

By Holly Hillsbrand

Who doesn't want a great smile; a smile that shows off your bright white and shining teeth? People are spending a lot of money on teeth whitening today. Using the latest and greatest teeth whitening treatments available and undergoing procedures to whiten the teeth many people are looking to get that perfect smile.

Whitening the teeth procedures are a valuable way to lighten the color of the teeth and leaves the surface of the tooth intact. Unfortunately teeth whitening procedures will only lighten the existing color of the teeth. With only a few that are truly blessed with very white teeth it is difficult for many to achieve that great white smile. Teeth seem to discolor as we grow up leaving our smile less than sparkling.

With the food and drink we subject our teeth to our teeth can become stained. Things like coffee and tea and even red wine can discolor our teeth and smoking will really yellow the teeth. Tiny cracks in the teeth can even cause discoloration underneath the tooth surface.

The teeth bleaching procedure is the most popular and economic way to lighten the teeth. Teeth bleaching procedures require a special gel or rubber guard to be placed on the gums to protect them. A bleaching solution is then placed in a mouth shaped tray that is specially fitted to your teeth. Before any bleaching process discuss everything with your dentist beforehand.

The chemicals actively involved in the bleaching solution are generally hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. The solution begins to break down and allows oxygen to enter the surface of the tooth causing it to lighten in color. Teeth bleaching usually will take about 3 - 4 weeks to complete.

The teeth whitening product usually contains carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the 'active ingredients'. When these ingredients break down, the oxygen enters the enamel of your teeth thus, making the color lighter. The entire treatment can be completed in three to four weeks time.

As mentioned before discuss this procedure with your dentist before beginning as it may become uncomfortable for some. However, you can be showing off that winning white smile should teeth bleaching be right for you.

Laser Whitening. This is also called the "power whitening". Though expensive, a lot of people especially artists consider it as the best teeth whitening method. During this process, a rubber dam is placed over your teeth to shield the gums, and the whitening product is then painted on your teeth. A laser will be used to stimulate the chemical. The light will help boost the chemical reaction of the bleaching product, thus the color change can be attained more rapidly.

In laser whitening a rubber dam is placed over your teeth; again to shield the soft tissue of the gums. The whitening agent is then painted onto the teeth and a laser is used to activate the chemical. The light boosts the chemical reaction and a color change is often experienced immediately.

Laser whitening procedures can leave the teeth whitened for up to three years. Naturally you are advised to avoid the types of food and drink that will stain the teeth and smoking is really not recommended. A sensitivity of the tooth is sometimes reported after laser whitening; however, this usually goes away in a few days.

There are other types of whitening for the teeth; the aforementioned ones were just the most popular. The cost can be significant but is nearly always worth it. There's nothing like the feeling you get when you flash that perfect smile.

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