Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Buy Real or Replica Handbags

By Francis Sinclair

Have you noticed how cheap clothing and accessories are today when compared to only a few decades ago? Of course designer products are still extremely expensive and even famous label products can hold a premium price. This is especially the case when it comes to designer handbags and it has led to a massive increase in the popularity of replica handbags.

There is an incredible choice of replica handbags available to buy online or offline. Sometimes it is pretty difficult to distinguish between original and replica. Of course the most famous designers are the most popular and it is common to see handbags by designers such as Fendi and Gucci for sale either online or offline.

Do not be shocked if you discover that the price of the replica handbags which appeal to you are a little bit more expensive than you would expect to pay for a copy. Remember that you are still making considerable savings when you purchase a replica handbag for say two or three hundred dollars a real designer handbag could cost you well over $1,000.

With the advent of the Internet it is now just a simple task of shopping online for replica handbags. The most important thing to remember is to do a little research about the average price charged. As there are so many sites selling replicas it should be relatively easy to compare the prices on three sites just to make sure that you get the best price possible.

When you are buying anything online, especially if buying replica handbags, it is most important that you check the laws of your country with regards to the legality of the product and any import duties if purchasing from abroad. It can prove rather difficult to discover this information online as some site prove contradictory. Some sites say that it fine while others warn that in some countries, such as France, it is illegal to sell and buy replica handbags.

When you are buying goods it is always important to check the quality of those goods. Sadly it is often the case that very cheap replica handbags are if far lesser quality than the authentic article. Often the stitching is not as neat or as strong and can, ultimately, fail far sooner than first class stitching. Often the really cheap replicas use far cheaper materials which are not as strong or as hard wearing as those used in more expensive items. Sometimes any metal parts are replaced with cheaper plastic alternatives and so on. You should always check the item carefully before buying.

One thing that you may not have considered, when buying replica handbags, is the manufacturers warranty. Often replica handbags do not carry any form of guarantee. The genuine designer handbag will have a warranty but also a reputation to maintain. As the manufacturers of replicas do not concern themselves with such things as reputation the consumer can be at far greater risk.

When buying replica handbags online it is, obviously, impossible for us to test their quality but there are a few things that we can do to make the transaction safer. Firstly you should check the web site itself, is it well established, does it have a good reputation, does it belong to any retail organizations, is it a registered company and such things are worth checking. In the UK you should check if the company is VAT registered. Check the payment options and, if you can, buy using your credit card which offers some insurance if the item is not delivered. Of course if you find yourself in any way uncertain you could always purchase a real designer handbag from a well known retailer.

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