Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Buying Practical Designer Jewelry on the Internet

By Ken Morris

Many people like the look of Tiffany jewelry, however few people have enough money to spend on such an expensive investment. If you are one of these people then there is a simple solution, you should consider looking for designer replica jewelry. There is a difference between fake and replica jewelry, replica jewelry is brought when you know it's not the real thing. Replica jewelry will never be identical to the genuine thing, however they look very similar and are just as good if you don't have enough money for the original. There are many tips about rings, pendants and other jewelry that you should know before you shop.


Replica jewelry is only normally slightly different to the original piece, there will only be a few small differences. The original designed piece will have a hallmark stamped somewhere into the metal which can be used to work out who created this jewelry.

Jewelry made out of a precious metal such as gold or silver it must be stamped with a hallmark stating how much precious metal was used to create the piece. This is measured in karats, which basically means how many parts of pure gold.

Replica jewelry does not have the same hallmark as the original, it should however have some hallmark which designates the material used and the creator. The hallmark is especially important if the jewelry is made from a precious metal. If the metal used is a base metal then there is no law stating that it has to have any form of hallmark.

If you cannot see a hallmark on the replica jewelry that you are considering buying then you should assume that it is not made from precious metal. If someone tries to tell you otherwise then all you can do is assume that they're trying to rip you off. There are reasons you should consider buying replica jewelry created using non-precious metals, for a start it's cheaper.

You do need to keep your wits about you when shopping for replica jewelry. If you are told that something is made out of gold you should make sure that it's genuine otherwise it could cause disappointment.

When you have learnt to tell the difference between the original and replica jewelry then you are ready to start shopping to find some. No matter whether you plan to buy a replica or the original piece of jewelry you should be aware how to tell the difference. You should make sure you are informed about the options before choosing which one to buy.

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