Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Promise Rings hidden meanings

By Sylvia Orlando

If you've been a giver or receiver of a promise ring, you know that it has many attached symbolisms behind it. It does not matter if you are the giver or the receiver, when a promise ring is given; the promise to the symbol should be and must be kept.

For instance, did you know that a promise ring is good in cases of pre-engagements? What does this mean usually? It typically means the couple love one another and want to commit but are not ready for a fully-fledged engagement.

Chastity and substance abstinence are reasons parents give their children a promise ring. The child's promise to his/her parents that they will refrain from sex until marriage and stay away from social pressures of drinking, doing drugs and smoking.

The third reason is to keep a vow of monogamy between two consenting adults. If they so choose not to get married or choose to shy away from a pre-engagement setting, then this promise ring can show them and others that they are committed to one another without the forced intrusion of "complete" commitment.

If you want to signify a lasting friendship, promise rings are the way to go. Promise rings between friends remind them that they always have someone to lean on in hard times.

Now, you already know that engagement and wedding rings are worn on the left ring finger. However, does a promise ring have to be worn on the same finger? Not for every single purpose. For cases of pre-engagement and monogamy promise rings, then yes promise rings should be worn on the left hand, ring finger. If you are abstaining from negative substances, any finger will do. This also goes for the friendship promise ring.

Women sometimes wonder if it is appropriate to give a man a promise ring? Although not inappropriate, it's generally not done. Would you give a man an engagement ring? Chances are: probably not. However, if you are doing a joint promise on monogamy or want to show the man your complete friendship for life, then a simple promise ring or matching promise rings are just fine.

Remember that a promise ring can signify anything so it's important to give a reason by your giving of a promise ring. If you don't, it's liable someone's feelings can be or will be hurt.

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