It is becoming harder and harder to distinguish authentic Gucci handbags from the fakes, partly due to the fact that there are not as many distinguishing factors of authenticity. Forged Gucci purses and handbags are many times so professional that one needs an authentic bag for comparison.
Protect yourself! It is easy to get discount Gucci bags that are actually authentic. Continue reading below for some general characteristics for comparison, and also some specific telltale signs that counterfeiters will use.
Characteristics of Counterfeit Gucci Handbags
1) A sure sign (and one that's all-too-common) is an incorrect emblem on the front of the bag. Things to watch out for are incorrect font sizes and letter spacing, (both as they relate to each other and to the entire tag), misspelled words, and capitalization mistakes. They do happen!
2) On monogrammed bags, look at the G's. You're looking for overall shape and clarity. Fakes will sometimes have fatter G's that bleed out like old tattoos.
3) Look at the colours on any bag you are considering. Some forgeries will have less vibrant, or even faded shades, particularly with the green and red webbing or lining.
4) Examine the overall construction and stitching of the item. Stitching should be even, neat, and tight.
5) Many ads for forgeries will still have the word "authentic" somewhere, but almost ALL authentic ads will contain the word authentic. If "authentic" is missing, don't purchase.
6) For Gucci wallets, the stripes MUST BE red and blue on a blue "GG" wallet, NOT green and red; and the type must be clean and straight, not bleeding or crooked.
7) The purse handles on some forgeries appear much thinner and longer than genuine Gucci handbags.
8) On current Gucci's, if the tag is completely square, it is a forgery. Gucci curves the bottom two corners ever so slightly.
Keep in mind: If it looks too good to be true, it is. But you can still find fashion handbags wholesale by connecting directly with sellers. Just know how to spot the fakes and always buy with your credit card!
Protect yourself! It is easy to get discount Gucci bags that are actually authentic. Continue reading below for some general characteristics for comparison, and also some specific telltale signs that counterfeiters will use.
Characteristics of Counterfeit Gucci Handbags
1) A sure sign (and one that's all-too-common) is an incorrect emblem on the front of the bag. Things to watch out for are incorrect font sizes and letter spacing, (both as they relate to each other and to the entire tag), misspelled words, and capitalization mistakes. They do happen!
2) On monogrammed bags, look at the G's. You're looking for overall shape and clarity. Fakes will sometimes have fatter G's that bleed out like old tattoos.
3) Look at the colours on any bag you are considering. Some forgeries will have less vibrant, or even faded shades, particularly with the green and red webbing or lining.
4) Examine the overall construction and stitching of the item. Stitching should be even, neat, and tight.
5) Many ads for forgeries will still have the word "authentic" somewhere, but almost ALL authentic ads will contain the word authentic. If "authentic" is missing, don't purchase.
6) For Gucci wallets, the stripes MUST BE red and blue on a blue "GG" wallet, NOT green and red; and the type must be clean and straight, not bleeding or crooked.
7) The purse handles on some forgeries appear much thinner and longer than genuine Gucci handbags.
8) On current Gucci's, if the tag is completely square, it is a forgery. Gucci curves the bottom two corners ever so slightly.
Keep in mind: If it looks too good to be true, it is. But you can still find fashion handbags wholesale by connecting directly with sellers. Just know how to spot the fakes and always buy with your credit card!
About the Author:
To help connect interested consumers with fashion handbags and clothing at wholesale prices, Smruti Evans run a discount Gucci bags web site and an Anthropologie clothing web site, which happen to be her two favorite clothing brands.
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