Saturday, November 22, 2008

What Everyone Ought To Know About Diamond Jewelry

By Don Pedro

I don't know anyone on this planet who can resist the lure of diamond, least of all a woman. All you need to do is let her see a jewel glittering with the stone from heaven and she is as good as yours. Ladies, no offense; even guys get caught in that web too.

Diamond forms from the element called carbon, the most abundant in the element in the earth. It is also used in making some of the best and most expensive jewelry you ever saw. It costs a lot, but most people don't mind the cost if only they can have the thing on their bodies for just a few glorious moments. I won't say I blame them because of the beauty of diamonds jewelry on people, especially beautiful ladies.

Diamonds have a long history of surviving - a very long history. Even the story of their formation is one that awes you. Eons in the depths, coagulated by centuries of pressure and decomposition. Made perfect in imperfection. And now, you could make a jewel out of one, and know that it will never fail you.

One bar is the pressure that the atmosphere exerts at sea level. To form those perfect jewels of yours, the earth needs to summon about 50,000 times that. It's just crazy: everything that goes into the formation of a diamond.

In the earth, diamonds stand out with elegance. In jewel form, they stand out on the necks and fingers of the elite of society. Only the really rich can afford to purchase one in that form - the rich and the elites.

Would you believe this? Some diamonds are actually thought to have an extraterrestrial origin. They are the black variety of the priceless stones, known as carbonados. I suppose they are called diamond because they have certain similar characteristics, but I doubt they are so much used as gems.

Silver can be melted down, gold can be diluted, but diamond diamond is forever. No matter how much you have to pay to have it, you know it is worth every penny and it will never blemish. Twenty - no, a hundred years to come, the diamond will retain its brilliance.

The stones that made the mountains were not always solid. At one time, they were molten, known as magma, made so by the extreme pressures and heat in the earth's heart; the same pressures and heat that formed diamonds over eons of processing. So when the magma came up, so did the diamonds with it. Today, we mine them and wear them, and we bask in the glory of the diamond jewelry.

There are some sedimentary rocks that have solidified presumably from former alluvial deposits. In them, you could find deposits of the hardest mineral in the world - diamond. Otherwise, you want to be looking in volcanic rocks, or cratons in various regions of the world.

Diamond has various values, based on the way it is formed, and the qualities it so possesses. Some that are thought to form directly from graphite contained meteorites upon impact with the earth are opaque and range from very small to somewhere about a centimeter in diameter. However the best types are the ones that come from the bowels of the earth itself.

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