Friday, February 27, 2009

How to Find Abundant Gratitude

By Deanna Collins

When life gets rough, it's hard to concentrate on the good things in life. But, that is when the power of gratitude is most important. Learning to focus on what you have instead of what you don't have will change your life. Learn how to keep that gracious attitude even when it's not easy.

Why is a Gracious Attitude Important?

Developing a gracious attitude will change your perspective on your life and life in general. Gracious people:

See other people in a different light. Instead of counting their faults, you see mistakes as possible blessings. Instead of wasting time on what you don't have, you formulate a plan to use what you do have to move forward.

Look at people with new eyes. People are seen for whom they are and not the sum total of their possessions or their character traits. Living in harmony with others fosters a happy fulfilled life.

Forget about judging others. We all have faults and make mistakes from time to time. Acknowledging that fact helps other people to put their faults in perspective and play to their strengths.

Look at your own life and show mercy to others. Be grateful for the chance to change someone's life.

Live your life looking at what you have rather than what you don't. As you begin to become aware of what is good and positive in your life, what is good and positive will grow. Why? We attract what we pay attention to, what we focus on. When you're focused on what is good in your life, more good will show up.

Gain Gratitude Abundance in your Life

Use a journal to record the things in your life that you are grateful for. Identifying your blessings makes you aware of them. We don't give enough thought to such things and usually take them for granted. Think about the breaths you take each day and the food you get to eat when you are hungry. What about the people who make your life great and the pleasant surroundings you life in? Once you learn to recognize them, you'll be amazed at how they begin to outnumber your challenges.

Practice. Being grateful and inviting gratitude abundance into your life isn't an overnight experience. You don't go to bed one night with the burdens of the world on your shoulders and awake the next day feeling light as a feather with no cares in the world. Gratitude, takes practice.

Find ways to integrate gratitude each day. Develop rituals that usher in gracious feelings within you. It could be as simple as journaling, wearing special gratitude jewelry, getting weekly pampering, or making time for family and friends. Whatever you choose, make it a positive experience.

Help another person. We find deeper meaning in our lives when we make someone else's life better. Volunteer with the homeless, give to charity, or do something nice for a stranger every day.

Clear away those things which are not important to you. Finally, to invite more gratitude into your life consider removing those things which do not make you feel good. Eliminate those things which make you feel negative about life and which detract from your life.

Gratitude abundance is waiting for you to reach out and embrace it. The choice is yours, invite it in and change your life.

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