Designer bags are very fashionable, but with the high price also come the reality that there are folks out there trying to make big money off of a cheaper imitation bag. So how can you tell the authentic apart from the fake? Sometimes it's hard to tell, but here are some things to look for.
While designer bags are made very well, the fake bags aren't. You'll find the fakes have patterns that don't match up, flimsy hardware, and cheap lining.
Designer bags are made to strict standards in their colors, sizes, and shapes. If you know exactly what color and dimension you are looking for in a designer bag, it can help you spot the real from the fake.
China is a large manufacturer of fake and replica designer bags. They tend to be priced between $100-$300.
The liners on fake bags are made from cheap fabric and you'll find that the lining isn't very well attached to the bag's frame. You may also find that the design and color of the lining fabric will give clues to its authenticity.
Authentic designer bags are nearly flawless both inside and out. If you inspect a designer bag, you'll notice that even the hardware that zips or buttons the bag and attaches the handles is of high quality and superior manufacturing.
Fake bags often smell like leather-treating chemicals and are often stiff. Authentic bags have lovely leather that smells just like leather!
If you learn that you ended up with a fake designer bag, it's not all bad! Counterfeit shopping has become something of a sport, much to the disappointment of luxury-goods makers. Fake designer bags are all over the place, it seems - so easy to buy that in some circles it's almost uncool to carry the real thing!
While designer bags are made very well, the fake bags aren't. You'll find the fakes have patterns that don't match up, flimsy hardware, and cheap lining.
Designer bags are made to strict standards in their colors, sizes, and shapes. If you know exactly what color and dimension you are looking for in a designer bag, it can help you spot the real from the fake.
China is a large manufacturer of fake and replica designer bags. They tend to be priced between $100-$300.
The liners on fake bags are made from cheap fabric and you'll find that the lining isn't very well attached to the bag's frame. You may also find that the design and color of the lining fabric will give clues to its authenticity.
Authentic designer bags are nearly flawless both inside and out. If you inspect a designer bag, you'll notice that even the hardware that zips or buttons the bag and attaches the handles is of high quality and superior manufacturing.
Fake bags often smell like leather-treating chemicals and are often stiff. Authentic bags have lovely leather that smells just like leather!
If you learn that you ended up with a fake designer bag, it's not all bad! Counterfeit shopping has become something of a sport, much to the disappointment of luxury-goods makers. Fake designer bags are all over the place, it seems - so easy to buy that in some circles it's almost uncool to carry the real thing!
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