When it comes to handbags, DKNY is one of the most reputable names in the business. They are the preferred choice of models, actresses and singers the world over, and also happen to be one of the most sought after fashion accessories today. DKNY handbags are marked by the tradition and style afforded by such an esteemed name in the world of fashion.
Any DKNY handbag has an elegant, stylish and sophisticated look and they are considered to be a must have fashion accessory - if you can afford one. As with any famous designer brand, a DKNY handbag is not cheap and any woman wearing one on her shoulder will be the envy of her peers.
With that said, with the rise of online shopping and the spread of new outlets selling designer products, DKNY handbags are more accessible than ever before. It is very possible to find an excellent deal on many designer handbags, including those under the DKNY brand name.
DKNY is the acronym for Donna Karan New York. Donna Karan was born in New York in 1948. She didn't excel at school, dropping out to enter the fashion world with her first job as a shop assistant selling clothes. She signed up to the celebrated Parsons School of Design four years later.
She started working for world renowned fashion designer Anna Klein and stayed with that company until 1985, when she finally unveiled her very own range which she called the Donna Karen Collection. DKNY as we know it today was born in 1988 and is still going strong twenty years later.
The handbags that DKNY produce today are just a stylish and chic as they were twenty years ago. A DKNY handbag can range in price, starting at about $170 for a Buckle Hobo to almost $1000 for "The D". Regardless of what DKNY you purchase, make sure you check out the many internet store that sell designer goods to ensure that you find the best bargain on your next DKNY purchase.
Any DKNY handbag has an elegant, stylish and sophisticated look and they are considered to be a must have fashion accessory - if you can afford one. As with any famous designer brand, a DKNY handbag is not cheap and any woman wearing one on her shoulder will be the envy of her peers.
With that said, with the rise of online shopping and the spread of new outlets selling designer products, DKNY handbags are more accessible than ever before. It is very possible to find an excellent deal on many designer handbags, including those under the DKNY brand name.
DKNY is the acronym for Donna Karan New York. Donna Karan was born in New York in 1948. She didn't excel at school, dropping out to enter the fashion world with her first job as a shop assistant selling clothes. She signed up to the celebrated Parsons School of Design four years later.
She started working for world renowned fashion designer Anna Klein and stayed with that company until 1985, when she finally unveiled her very own range which she called the Donna Karen Collection. DKNY as we know it today was born in 1988 and is still going strong twenty years later.
The handbags that DKNY produce today are just a stylish and chic as they were twenty years ago. A DKNY handbag can range in price, starting at about $170 for a Buckle Hobo to almost $1000 for "The D". Regardless of what DKNY you purchase, make sure you check out the many internet store that sell designer goods to ensure that you find the best bargain on your next DKNY purchase.
About the Author:
Discounted designer handbags can be discovered at Richard Hurley's fashion website. If you are searching for a bargain on original gucci handbags, DKNY or other fashion brand handbags, be sure to take a look today.
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