Handbags are generally known as large bags that are fashionable, and functional. These can typically carry tons of items, including books, feminine products such as make up, pencils, pens, and everything else you can think of! Handbags are great for usage on beaches and other places where you would need a lot of space for "stuff". Handbags are not the same thing as purses, pocketbooks, or any other word used to describe them.
There are many types of handbags, which includes an increasingly popular "Tote" bag. Handbags generally offer plenty of roomy-ness, and are flattering to most outfits, and body shapes. Designer handbags are extremely popular in the United States, and more and more women are seen carrying them around. Some popular handbags are the ones created by Hayden Panettiere, which are spacious and very sexy!
Like most people who love handbags, they ignore certain problems. Handbags can be dangerous to your health, and you risk potentially hurting your muscles or posture. When carrying a handbag stand up straight and make sure it isn't too heavy for you to carry. Usually if your bag weighs over 20 pounds it will start to weigh on your frame and cause pain.
The best handbags can be bought in specialty stores and in department stores. JC Penny, Dillard's, Saks 5th Avenue, Macy's, and countless other stores carry designer bags for your needs. Chanel, is a popular handbag designer, which includes some bags that can cost as much as $45,000!!! That's the same price as most new cars!
Your height and body shape should play an important role in what kind of handbag you buy. Tall women can get away with anything, but short petite women should carry smaller variations of the handbag, and women with large hips should carry one that will sit above the hip. Solid colors are a good choice for anyone that does not want the attention on them directly. If your handbag will be used for shopping, keep that in mind when buying. If its going to be a gym bag, consider that as well. The handbags purpose is just as important as every other factor involved.
Closing Comments
A handbag will pick you. If you see one, and you just know that one is perfect, then it should be yours! Handbags are the best type of bag to take with you everywhere you go. Know what you want before you leave the house, and enjoy shopping for your next favorite wardrobe piece.
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