Saturday, September 6, 2008

Buying A Suit For The New Buyer

By Victor Santerino

Buying a suit is hard on the newly formed professional. The reason for this is because many people do not know how to buy a professional wardrobe on a not so professional bank account.

Throughout my years I have bought and sold many suits. The knowledge I acquired doing this will help even the most frugal purchasers make a sound purchase.

The first option one might want to consider is buying second hand clothing. Thrift stores, consignment shops, and estate sales were once the only place a person could buy used clothing. However, the creation of ebay has opened up the used buying and selling arena and has made buying high quality used goods extremely easy.

Used clothing is economical and my number one choice for saving money. Having said this I do realize that not everyone is comfortable wearing clothes that have previously been worn. Also another drawback is the lack of a return policy on many used purchases.

Another option is to buy a few high quality under marketed suits and combine them with lesser known accessories. Some suits to consider are Pronto Uomo, Perry Ellis, Sean John, Steve Harvey, and Mantoni. These suits can all be found for less than $500 at many different online retailers.

The major disadvantage to this option is that your budget will not have much room for accessories after your suit purchase. You will not be able to buy as many suits or shirts as you would have if you saved more money on the suit.

An option that allows for a large amount of diversity without buying used clothing is to buy many lesser quality suits. This route requires that you buy more expensive accessories to augment the wardrobe. Buying some Tommy Hilfiger, Haggar, or Stafford suits can provide for a nice look and feel but often lacks the long term durability you may find in a more expensive brand.

However, this option allow you to buy more expensive shirts, ties, and shoes to really make you stand out. You will also be able to diversify your wardrobe more by mixing and matching your suit pants and jackets on casual fridays.

These three options give you a wide range of choices to make. Decide which option suits your needs the best before venturing forth. Remember to take into account what you will be wearing your suits for and how much your willing to spend before making your final purchases.

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